We believe that nowadays there is no need to emphasize the importance of proper and good nutrition. A long time ago, Hippocrates said, “Let food be your medicine, and medicine be your food.” What doctors used to know on an intuitive level, today is deeply and rigorously researched with the help of the most modern methods and technologies. It is believed that you can not only eat “good food” but also eat food that is right for your body.

Nutrient gene connections are one of the most current topics in medical science. Personalized nutrition appears as one of the possible therapeutic modalities. Several clinical and preclinical studies have shown the potential of this new approach, and patients are increasingly interested in commercial nutrigenomics.

This article, written by thesolutioniv.com, offers a balanced overview of nutrigenomics and explores some of the latest scientific discoveries in the field with the aim of helping you assess the practical value of nutrigenomics.


Scientists have so far learned the nutrients of the food consumed, the bacteria found in the intestines, and most things related to this topic. The conclusion is next: what we eat affects not only our health but also our metabolism, and also the composition of the microbiota in our intestines and gene expression.

Nutrigenomics is a relatively young science – the term was first time used in the early 20th century, more precisely in 2001 – and it deals with the interactions between our diet and genes. It is now possible to study natural compounds in different metabolic pathways in relation to a person’s genotype. Nutrigenomics means the transition from epidemiology to molecular biology and genetics.

Why a personalized diet? Valuable advice from the solution V

Blood sugar levels in humans increase in proportion to food intake, that is, it depends on food intake and type of food. If we constantly eat foods that are rich in sugars and in large quantities, we risk getting pre-diabetes (that means you are on your way to diabetes).

One of the methods that try to make an accurate assessment of the impact of food on our body is called the glycemic index, which ranks food depending on how it affects blood sugar levels. However, this method assigns a rating for one food, so it is not practical when we eat dishes with different foods in different combinations and quantities.

Bottom line

A personalized diet is the best solution for people who have health problems. There is a well-known saying that the body is our temple, and its health will depend on the diet we consume. However, not all people have the same genetics and genomes, and a personalized diet deals exactly with that. Even different blood groups require different foods, so you can see why personal nutrition is so important.